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Inaugural AGM

Inaugural AGM for the Berkshire Trail Runners

At yesterdays inaugural AGM (11th May 2018) held at the lookout with 16 members attending, the following members were voted into the following positions.

Karen Thomas – Chairman

Pam Baker – Secretary

Patrick Kerry – Communications & Social

Kathryn Simpson – Treasurer

It was also decided:

  • To open a bank account to handle club fee and costs.

  • To start £15 annual fees for all members to cover club costs. However new members will be given 1 month FOC to decide if the club is right for them.

  • Upgrade the website to allow greater flexibility, searchability and appearance.

  • Continue Facebook as an open group to continue to attract new members.

  • Drop the PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) as this is now covered by the “Run Together” sign up process with its inclusive disclaimers. It is vital that all members use our Run Together page before every run. This can be done via our “Book a Run” link on our website

Thank you to all who took the time to attend your time and commitment is what makes our club successful. Good luck to all who are competing today in various events.

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