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Message From Hugh & Karen

Dear BTR

Thank you so much to you all for the card and the well wishes over the last month.

We had really hoped to get another couple of runs and a pint in before we relocate for good but time was just not on our side. BTR has been a fantastic journey – from the beginning when it was just Karen leading and Chris with the meet-up app, it was quite often just Karen and one other on some Sundays to other Sundays having some meets with over 20 keen runners all turning up with their distinctive and colourful shirts (which again we didn’t have at the start) We are immensely proud that we have remained a group for the “runner at the back” and have attracted like-minded individuals to don the green shirt. We hope to start up the Wales branch of the group and you all have an open invitation to come and visit and run some big (very big!) hills with us in the future.

Save the date: The Machen Mountain run is a VERY hilly run which takes place later in the year (date to be confirmed) follow the link and have a look! We would love to see as many of you come down for the weekend for this and some other trail running fun.

Keep in touch all !

Best Wishes

Hugh and Karen

Hugh 07519 648074

Karen 07842 781676

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