Club Update – Running in Lockdown
So the first few runs have now set off from Gt Hollands Park to avoid the chaos in the Swinley Forest main car park, the park is free at Gt Hollands and is just a short run to the entrance to the forest. Apart from having to cross the road at the roundabout adjacent to the Golden Retriever pub this offers a good solution for now.
However, as you all know the runs are limited to 6 runners in line with government and EA conditions, which means only 5 bookings can be taken for each run, obviously this is very restrictive.
There are ideas afoot to run parallel runs in separate groups of 6 but this can only be achieved if we have enough run leaders, at the moment this is TBA.
There are a few solutions to get your BTR fix…
· You may consider forming your own groups via our What’s App group. As with the main group please adhere to the 6 runners’ policy.
· Some of us have been running at Bramshill, which offers running very similar to Swinley with free parking by the Church. You will have to form your own group here also as our current regulars already amount to 6. I can supply gpx files from Strava if anyone wants lead the run with others from the club.
· One of our run leaders is considering leading runs alongside our current offering of runs at Swinley, probably on an ad hoc basis, the locations may include the Coombes (Bearwood), the Thames Path and more, these will be posted as official runs on Run Together as they are planned.
Finally ONLY run if you are fit and well, free from any COVID symptoms etc, wash your hands before you run and carry gel if you can. Always stay 2 m apart and avoid touching gates and fences with your hands where possible.
If we are in a situation whereby, we coincide with other BTR run cells please try to stay apart from the group else we may attract unwanted criticism from the general public.