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Club Update


Over the last few days I have been working on the web site to clean it up and give it a less cluttered look, whilst unifying the colour scheme a little to better reflect the club colours. I have also optimized many of the images to speed up the page loading.

The “Strava” link on the menu bar has now been replaced with a drop down menu with links to Strava, Facebook, Run Together and Garmin. The “Run” link on the menu bar has drop down links to Book a Run, Cancel a Run and an allocated Run Leaders page.

Once we have collated our club funds we will be upgrading our web site from the free version to the paid version, which will allow us properly link our domain name of to the web site and remove the advertising, whilst giving us more storage and bandwidth. The cost is roughly £5 per month or approx. 9-10p per member!

I would also be grateful for any feedback on our web site, in particular; which bits you find most useful and which bits you don’t, so that I can continue to tailor it to your needs. If there are any links to web sites that you would like to see please feel free to make suggestions.


I have split the booking of our Friday evening runs into two as the Summer runs and Winter runs are essentially very different events and require different descriptions on Run Together, notably head torch requirement, and car parking times. There is no change in the run other than you have to book one or the other according to the season, so from 5th Oct you will need to book the “Friday Nite Trail Run”.  

Run Together have now advised that the release date for the mobile phone runners app will be later this month, this should vastly improve the ease of booking runs, we will keep you posted on its release.


As long as you are registered on Run Together you should all have received a membership payment request via email, if you did not please contact us via our contacts page with your email address so that I can resend the details. I would like to thank all of you who have paid up so promptly, which should make Katharine’s  (our treasurer) job much easier. If you are a new member there is a 1 month trial period for you to asses whether our club is for you or not. Please ensure you register for the runs during the trial period via our web site home page.


I am delighted to say one of our latest members (Vikki Roberts-Caiger) is a qualified Running Coach (CiRF) and Personal Trainer . Hopefully you should all get to meet her over the coming weeks. Whilst running with the group she is more than happy to offer advice and tips. Privately she can offer personal training at club rates, a link can be found on the web site. (look for VRPT) Vikki has also started writing for the club, her first article on “Strengthening your lower legs” can be found here in our news section.

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